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Years Training & Coaching Experience
Training Session Delivered
Books Authored
Lives Transformed

Who am I?

There was a time in my life when I had decided to end my life twice because of the brutal circumstances and unavoidable turbulences in my life.

“Today, I stand tall in the training industry as a relationship coach, an author & an inspirational speaker.”

I have travelled the journey from darkness to glory hence I know how it is done.

How can I help you ?

What Training are you looking for?


The most beautiful journey that an individual can travel in his life is from “What he is” and “What he Can Be”. An individual can be a craftsman of his life by empowering thyself. Learn some powerful techniques and skills to empower yourself using my ASK TRIANGLE principle.


Give life to your smothering relationships with the help of my exclusively customized relationship empowerment training programs. Relationship challenges are one of the major reasons for stress & depression amongst people today and you are just one click away to see miraculous results in your relationships.

What people say about my training?

A Managing Director

A Managing Director

My sales team was performing pathetically. Even after providing them with the best of facilities & having a quality product to be sold, my team was falling behind. The sales were going down. I kept on looking at it as a “Sales malfunction” but Ajay’s training opened my eyes. I was stunned to see what the root cause was for the low performance of my sales team. His training didn’t only help me in elevating sales but a big thanks to him and his training that he could create that “team Bond” amongst my team. Don’t expect him to indulge you in outbond sales & team building activities that only have temporary results. His training hits you from within and that’s what makes him a class apart.

A Trainee

A Trainee

Everything changed in me after my marriage. A working professional had turned into a housewife. Seeing my ambitions dying each day I was turning very negative. It was even affecting my relationships because something was bothering me. Working on my start up today with the same attitude is my evidence to tell how brilliant he is as a trainer. Hey Ajay! You are a magician. Thanks to you. I'm forever grateful to you.

A Trainee

A Trainee

His techniques will introduce you to miracles.

A Trainee

A Trainee

I remained a college topper all my life with brilliant academic skills but could rarely see a bright future. There was a lot of fog & most importantly some personal reasons were killing my efficiency and then one fine day, this gentleman came a guiding light, and everything changed from there on.

A Trainee

A Trainee

I was working in a restaurant as a waiter when I met Ajay. I was living a way below mediocre life. I wanted to change. I wanted to give a good life to my parents and then Ajay came into my life. Today, I am working as an English Language trainer, earning well and he has deeply rooted in me the system that a champion needs. Always thankful to him.

AJ's Mini Blogs

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