
Confabulate In English

By Ajay Sharma

Starting his career as an English language trainer, Ajay thought of penning down his experience of English teaching in form of a book and that is when, “Confabulate In English” was launched in the year 2012. Ajay has a very special place for this book in his heart as this was the book that earned for him the title of an author.

“Confabulate In English” comes with some brilliant ways of implementing the grammatical rules in your real life with practice.

Ajay has always been a core believer of making his trainees learn through practical implementation of the knowledge and that is what he has kept in mind in this book as well.

The book covers the following topics:

1) Tenses.

2) Modals.

3) Voice.

4) Tips to start speaking in English.

5) Practical exercises to start using the above topics in your English speaking.

Relationship is not my piece of Cake

By Ajay Sharma

In the year 2015, Ajay was 10 years old in the industry and the launch of his first book had added a lot of praises for him. He was continuously searching for some good topics and themes to write his second book and then a very peculiar observation gained his attention.

The observation was on “Human Relationships”. Ajay observed that unhealthy relationships were keeping people unhappy and most of his workshops attracted questions on “Relationships”. By the mid of 2014, Ajay had started a special program titled, “Samwad” in which his trainees could ask him any question on relationships. This used to be done using small paper chits on which the audience used to send him the secret questions.

With around 1000 such chits collected by Ajay, came the idea of answering all those questions for the larger audience and hence the book, “Relationship Is Not My Piece of Cake” took birth.

This book has some wonderful solutions of some common relationship challenges that people face being a friend, a lover, a husband/wife, as a parent or as a child. Ajay has keenly made attempts to keep the book real by sharing his experience as a relationship coach.

Make query to buy the book with personally signed copy by Ajay:

The Heart Transplant Of My Girlfriend

By Ajay Sharma

The Heart Transplant Of My Girlfriend is an original love encounter that took place between Ajay & Zindagi in the year 2013. If at the moment you are an individual who is confused between “ whether it’s love or not” or is searching for the most purest definition of Love, this book will surely end your search.

Written sincerely to fulfil his promise made to Zindagi, Ajay made sure that this novel doesn’t only end up being a love story masala rather, Ajay has made pious attempts to help you in understanding what exactly Love is. How Love makes you a better individual. How can you change your temporary pleasures into complete Joy, being in Love.

A must read for my young friends.

Everything begins here “I” Everything ends here

By Ajay Sharma

Just answer me one simple question, “What the hell are you trying to prove by keeping others happy by ridiculing yourself”?

How is that even practically possible? How can you keep others happy if you can’t do that for yourself?

“I” or “ME” is generally considered very selfish in today’s time and the reason is the kind of society we are raised in but for me, I happens to be the most important word in the life of an individual.

Please understand this clearly that everything begins from you and everything will end with you.

In between this, you can’t live like an idiot who is either lost in satisfying others or is totally dependent on others to remain happy.

Pick this book immediately if at the moment you are keeping a fake smile on your face. This book will help you in knowing 21 heart boggling principles to discover self-love in your life.

Happy reading friends.