Lighting lamp or incense sticks is only a ritual (that I respect) but for me, the best way to worship Maa Durga (or any other God) is by inculcating the qualities of the God in you. What do you learn from Maa Durga? What made her “GOD”? Why was she born? How did she lead […]

Focus on “SOCIAL SUCCESS” too!

Career & monetary success are the most popular amongst people these days. I want to introduce “social success” to you today. How people feel in your company, how eagerly they wait to spend time with you, how comfortable they are in discussing their challenges/troubles with you, how do they connect with you on vibrational level […]

What’s “Temporary Pleasure”?

When, to get rid of pain, you involve yourself in certain activities that you think are helping you to overcome pain but in reality are not is temporary pleasure. The best way to overcome pain is to face it and observe your pain, not as a victim rather as a reality. #AJinspires


When jealousy turns into an authentic  smile, when care takes form of prayers, when the graph of live goes upwards, when reaction turns into a response, when you start observing peace within, when the physical absence of the person doesn’t stop you to love, when you start listening to silence, when you start seeing with […]


Sooner you understand this reality of humans life, easier it will be for you to make your relationships flawless. A relationship is not about you and me, “ONE”. No, no, no. It’s a very dangerous affair. A relationship has 2 “different individuals” with different life experiences, different behaviour & different identities. The way you respect […]


Many a times, while driving, I get stuck in massive traffic jams just because of some road construction, metro or other development works. The “INCONVENIENCE” at that time irritates a lot, checks our patience incredibly & it also takes longer time to travel distances but if you look at the broader picture then this “INCONVENIENCE […]


How many times are we instructed to remain surrounded with intelligent people? Don’t we feel extremely proud if we are considered intelligent? Well, I have a little different opinion here. For me, being interesting has more weightage than being intelligent. Intelligence is fine but I won’t ever choose to be with somebody who is intelligent […]


Who hasn’t one? Or who will deny that one doesn’t have good intention to live a dazzling life? Everybody wants to have a lifestyle that fits their dreams, eat good, wear good, do something for their loved ones and what not? In my training experience, I haven’t doubted anybody’s intention to do good in life. […]