About Me

Know me

On 21st May 2023, I successfully completed 18 years in the training & coaching industry. Things were not at all easy when I began in 2005. In these 18 years, I have seen failures, faced rejections, observed people changing, debts, pathetic decision making and attempted suicide twice. This helped me in learning the best lesson- “Life is the best gift an individual has. Make the best out of it”.

Relationship Coach


Inspirational Speaker

About me

My name is Ajay & I come from a beautiful state of mountains and valleys- Himachal Pradesh. I am a Relationship Coach, an author of 4 books & an Inspirational Speaker. My professional journey began at the age of 17 when I started delivering spoken English sessions in an Institiute. I had no idea about the industry and its scope. I was more than happy by tasting financial self-dependency.

It was February 2006, when I got a chance to attend a motivational talk from a renowned motivational speaker at YMCA Delhi and there, I realized the significance of the industry I was into.

In June 2006, I delivered my first motivational talk in front of around 100 students and declared myself a motivational speaker. Since my training and coaching journey began as a spoken English trainer, hence, my first book published on the same topic titled, “Confabulate In English” in 2011 but the book didn’t do well.

Being in my free-lance journey as a trainer (2011 to 2013), I used to conduct trainings in different schools and colleges across India and in this journey, I realized that people are deeply troubled because of their relationships, and this motivated me to shift my focus a little towards relationship coaching from life skills training. Break up, Betrayals, difficulties in moving on, long distance relationships. Misunderstandings, divorces, I almost entertained every sort of question and was so full of knowledge that in 2015, I decided to launch my 2nd book titled, “Relationship Is Not My Piece of Cake’. The book did much better than my first book. I have authored 4 books till date and my last book, “I- Everything Begins with You & Everything Ends with You”, was Amazon’s best seller. From hardly 30 books being sold to becoming Amazon’s best seller, that’s exactly what defines my entire life both as an individual and a trainer. I made mistakes, learnt from them, improved myself and came back profoundly.

Not only have I seen my books failing, I saw myself failing too. Brutal life circumstances, huge financial debts, absence of self-confidence and self-love, seeing nothing working in my favor, I have even attempted to end my life. If I am to describe my journey in one statement, it would read as follows:

“From a two times suicide attempter to an Inspirational Speaker’

How did I do that?

By working on a technology

Today, I have trained around 90,000 individuals on living life with authenticity using this technology. I have helped depressed individuals turn into a blossoming personality with the same technology. I have helped people turn their plastic smile into an athentic one just because I have done it for myself.

I call this technology “ASK TRIANGLE’ Technology. All the 10 training programs that I have designed till now follow the “ASK TRIANGLE” theorem. Here are some of my programs that can transform you inside out.