


Join office with brilliance


JOB (Join office with brilliance) is a program exclusively designed for the freshers. There is a huge difference between a college life and a corporate life. It is a brutal truth that college going students hardly focus on professional skills and this results in a lot of difficulties in beginning their professional life.

That is where JOB bridges the gap.

It is a brilliantly designed program that covers the following topics before a fresher is all set to hit the floor:

Topics to be covered:

1) Understanding to balance between personal and professional life.

2) E-mail etiquettes.

3) Becoming effective.

4) Empowering interactive and communication skills.


Corporate program -2


What do you get in mind when you hear the word magnet?

Something that “pulls” or attracts towards it, isn’t it?

If you are willing to attract the maximum sales.

If you want your sales team to become really effective and result oriented.

If you want the sales figures of your team to go high with each month then MAGNET is the must to attend program.

Covering the incredible principles of sales, MAGNET ensures that each participant inherits in himself the correct techniques to make maximum sales.

I suggest you to kindly go through the deliverables of the program:

1) Developing the rights “Sales Attitude”.

2) Getting familiar with the WAVES therapy to make brilliant sales figures.

3) What should be the sales pitch?

4) 3 must to follow sales principles.

5) Developing the rapport with the client.

6) How to handle the times when things are not turning in your favour.

7) A little practice of inculcating NLP techniques to make more sales.


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“Dreams are not the ones that you see while sleeping rather dreams are the ones that don’t let you sleep”, beautifully quoted by the legend late Dr. APJ Kalam just touches my heart every time is read it. So true isn’t it.

Everybody has a dream. Some May dream of achieving financial goals, somebody wants to own a super car, somebody wants to dream of a stable life partner, studying abroad, making a million dollar company, launching a life changing product, increasing his team etc.

Sometimes you may find yourself absolutely confused in finding your life’s purpose too.

Well, LAKSHYA has it all covered for you. An amazing training program that helps you in understanding the right science that is needed to bring your dream closer each day. Inspired by the famous book, “Think & Grow Rich”, LAKSHYA is such a result oriented program that it will clear all your fog tempering your drive towards your dreams.

Have a look at some of its deliverables:

1) Discovering ones purpose, vision & goal.

2) Significance of Persistence.

3) “I AM” activity.

4) Time Line exercise to generate authentic vibrations.

5) WAVES therapy.

6) Understanding and inculcating the universal laws to achieve dreams much faster.




How familiar are you with this quotation, “If you want to go fast, go alone but if you want to go far, go with a team”?

Whenever a businessman begins his journey, he starts alone. People start joining him in his vision and he forms a small team. Slowly and steadily the size of the team begins to increase and after great toil and dedication it becomes a family which is also titles as “Parivar”. But this “parivar” unfortunately doesn’t become everybody’s reality and because of some basic shortcomings the team collapses.

For me, the most important factor that keeps a team together is the “emotional connect with each other”.

Our lives are so much filled with fluctuations and challenges that we forget that the person working in our team has his own challenges too. Unhealthy competition, no spontaneity, different objectives are some of the reasons why there is never a bond sensed amongst the team and that is where “ABHIMANYU” pitches in.

ABHIMANYU is a super effective team empowering training program that will develop and incredible bond and emotional connect amongst the team of your organisation. This program doesn’t come with “fun based” outbound training activities rather this program is more about getting familiar with each other’s pains, sufferings and traumas.

Go through the following deliverables:

1) Becoming an effective listener.

2) Knowing your team.

3) Aligning with the company’s objective.

4) The PERGING therapy.

5) Developing the emotional connectivity.

7) Turning jealousy into a healthy competition.


Program-5 for corporate


Whether you like it or not but the power is with those who can speak and talking about the professional life then writing too becomes and additional power.

If you find your employees hesitant, less interactive, shy, introverts, poor in writing emails, negative in mindset, reserved in using their body language the. EPIC is surely going to give you a huge sigh of relief because EPIC as a program has an incredible potential to life the dropping shoulders of your employees. EPIC ensures that the participants attending it begin to communicate effectively and powerfully. Purely a performance based program, EPIC genuinely inspired them to understand the beauty of speaking and expressing like a champion.

Following are the topics to be covered:

1) Understanding “COMMUNICATION” in the most effective way.

2) Getting interactive with “ITS ME” activity.

3) 7 principles of mastering Public Speaking.

4) I become what you ask me to become activity.

5) Getting rid of reserved body language.

6) Working on verbal and non-verbal communication.

7) E-mail etiquettes.